Stop Hémo product range
The Stop Hémo® first aid range is made from calcium alginate (originating from seaweed) which has haemostatic and wound healing properties.
The range comprises two presentations adapted to nosebleeds and superficial wounds, including for people suffering with haemostasisPhysiological process which leads to the formation of blood clotAggregate of different blood cells – platelets, red blood cells, white blood cells – bound together by a protein called fibrins disorders and delayed wound healing.
- Stop Hémo® swab: nosebleeds, oral bleeds, superficial oozing burns
- Stop Hémo® adhesive: open blisters, cuts, scratches


Sterile, bio-activeBiological activity on the coagulation and wound healing processes, haemostatic and wound healing swab
- Rapidly stops the bleed
- Indicated for people with haemostasisPhysiological process which leads to the formation of blood clotAggregate of different blood cells – platelets, red blood cells, white blood cells – bound together by a protein called fibrins disorders
- Easy to use (twist, fold, insert – ready to treat!)
- Painless removal thanks to the fibres’ gelling
- Gentle to the blood clotAggregate of different blood cells – platelets, red blood cells, white blood cells – bound together by a protein called fibrin upon removal : no re-bleeing
Product advantages:
When in contact with blood, Stop Hémo® swab releases calcium ions. These encourage the physiological process which ends the bleeding. Simultaneously, the fibres gel allowing painless removal without disturbing the blood clot.
Composition: calcium alginate swab.
Indications: nosebleeds, cutaneous bleeds (cuts, grazes), oral bleeds.
Packaging: 5 individual sterile swabs.


Sterile, bio-activeBiological activity on the coagulation and wound healing processes, haemosatic and wound healing adhesive
- Accelerates haemostasisPhysiological process which leads to the formation of blood clotAggregate of different blood cells – platelets, red blood cells, white blood cells – bound together by a protein called fibrins and wound healing
- Protects the wound
- Indicated for people suffering with bleeding disorders and delayed wound healing
Product advantages:
When in contact with blood, Stop Hémo® dressing releases its calcium ions. These encourage the physiological processes which end the bleed and heal the wound.
Composition: calcium alginate dressing on adhesive backing.
Indications: cuts, open blisters, small wounds.
Packaging: 12 adhesives, 2 sizes (72×25 mm and 72×34 mm).
Distributor in Greece:
CIMIFAR – Christos Miralis & Co. E.E.,
Tantalidou 3, 161 22 Kesariani
T: 210-7252222
F: 210-7251818