A plant-based product range
Stop Hémo® products are made with calcium alginate from marine algae. There are many species of algae (green, red and brown). Brown algae are the most common and include three main varieties. Stop Hémo® is made from these varieties and therefore benefits from their haemostatic and wound healing properties.
The benefits of algae in the service of wounds!
Calcium ions are naturally present in the body. They contribute in particular to bone formation and renewal, muscle and heart contractions, blood coagulation and cellular exchanges.
When Stop Hémo® releases its calcium ions directly into the wound, it promotes the natural physiological haemostasisPhysiological process which leads to the formation of blood clotAggregate of different blood cells – platelets, red blood cells, white blood cells – bound together by a protein called fibrins and wound healing processes.

Rapidly stops the bleed:
calcium ions are essential to blood clotAggregate of different blood cells – platelets, red blood cells, white blood cells – bound together by a protein called fibrin formation. The clot obstructs a blood vessel and thereby stops the bleed.
Wound healing:
calcium ions activate key cells involved in wound healing. These cells repair the lesions on damaged tissueSkin components (epidermis, dermis, hypodermis).
Painless removal:
fibres gel when in contact with the wound. As a result, Stop Hémo® does not stick to the wound upon removal. The swab and the adhesive can be removed gently without any pain.